Saturday 29 June 2013

Mini Haul

I thought I would kick off with a mini haul, I have been on a self-enforced spending ban due to my impending summer holiday to Florida. I am a closet shopaholic and so any type of spending ban really tests my will power. I had a mini splurge at the weekend and brought a few things, all completely necessary (if you can call a wash bag necessary). Clearly I have little willpower...

Mini haul-  Ted Baker large wash bag (here),
Varjak Paw, Iphone 5 (here) and Kensuke's Kingdom
The Ted Baker wash bag has the cutest print covering it, I am obsessed with pugs and French bulldogs and so this print is perfect for me, as I can't have a Pug or French bulldog in reality. I have a couple of trips this summer as well and didn't have any wash bags that are this big. 

I want one of these dogs so much!
Over the summer one of the things I have to do before returning to university in September is read two of these children’s books for my English module. I read Kensuke's kingdom when I was in year 6 and remember loving it so looking forward to re-reading that. The second book I was asked to read was Varjak’s Paw, I had never heard of this book before however look forward to an easy read.

My last item in my mini haul is my iPhone 5, my previous contract came to a end this week and I was looking online at all the different deals you could get but didn’t want to spend more than £25 a month as my pervious contract was £32 a month and whilst that was fine when I had my part time job, while at university I have really resented that £32 going out every month as I live on quite a small budget during term time so I can save for items on my wish list. I got a great deal with Vodafone upgrading my phone from an iPhone 4 to a iPhone 5 and paying less money. Ecstatic with my bargain I kept randomly braking out into a happy shuffle dance thing that really should be contained to only my eyes however my flat mates were present for some of the outbursts- sorry guys!       

Shiny new phone 
Thanks for reading, I adore hauls, as it always gives me good ideas for presents for others or things I need or want. Not sure if anyone would be interested in reviews of any of these things after I have used them for a while, let me know in the comments, also how well you deal with spending bans? Clearly I have failed here but brownie promise I am back on the straight and narrow (as of tomorrow)



  1. lovely little haul! i love my iphone 5 so i can get why you're so excited

    from helen at thelovecatsinc | bloglovin

    1. Thanks! I am completely new at this whole blogging thing and wasn't sure anyone would even read it! I am really excited start properly using the phone but at the moment I am trying to be as careful as possible which results in me just looking at the phone rather than using it! thanks again!
