Saturday 29 June 2013

Mini Haul

I thought I would kick off with a mini haul, I have been on a self-enforced spending ban due to my impending summer holiday to Florida. I am a closet shopaholic and so any type of spending ban really tests my will power. I had a mini splurge at the weekend and brought a few things, all completely necessary (if you can call a wash bag necessary). Clearly I have little willpower...

Mini haul-  Ted Baker large wash bag (here),
Varjak Paw, Iphone 5 (here) and Kensuke's Kingdom
The Ted Baker wash bag has the cutest print covering it, I am obsessed with pugs and French bulldogs and so this print is perfect for me, as I can't have a Pug or French bulldog in reality. I have a couple of trips this summer as well and didn't have any wash bags that are this big. 

I want one of these dogs so much!
Over the summer one of the things I have to do before returning to university in September is read two of these children’s books for my English module. I read Kensuke's kingdom when I was in year 6 and remember loving it so looking forward to re-reading that. The second book I was asked to read was Varjak’s Paw, I had never heard of this book before however look forward to an easy read.

My last item in my mini haul is my iPhone 5, my previous contract came to a end this week and I was looking online at all the different deals you could get but didn’t want to spend more than £25 a month as my pervious contract was £32 a month and whilst that was fine when I had my part time job, while at university I have really resented that £32 going out every month as I live on quite a small budget during term time so I can save for items on my wish list. I got a great deal with Vodafone upgrading my phone from an iPhone 4 to a iPhone 5 and paying less money. Ecstatic with my bargain I kept randomly braking out into a happy shuffle dance thing that really should be contained to only my eyes however my flat mates were present for some of the outbursts- sorry guys!       

Shiny new phone 
Thanks for reading, I adore hauls, as it always gives me good ideas for presents for others or things I need or want. Not sure if anyone would be interested in reviews of any of these things after I have used them for a while, let me know in the comments, also how well you deal with spending bans? Clearly I have failed here but brownie promise I am back on the straight and narrow (as of tomorrow)


Blogging... me?

Since the Dot COM Boom in the late 90s, the Internet has slowly taken over the way people in society live, work and play. The days of endlessly pouring over a textbook to find a hidden answer are long gone as you can simply "Google it" (or "bing it" depending on your preference). I often marvel at how my Dad managed to get a degree without Google scholar or even Wikipedia. Thanks to the geniuses behind YouTube we can now procrastinate for hours on end watching sometimes completely random and irrelevant videos. 

Now I freely admit I am an addict. I am addicted to what’s in my bag/ purse videos.* Why you may ask, well the answer is more complex, so much so that even I am not entirely sure why I watch them, because quite frankly why would anyone want to sit for 10-14 minutes and see the contents of another’s handbag, receipts and random hair ties included. However the top viewed what’s in my bag video, by Blair of the Elle and Blair Fowler YouTube fame, has clocked up almost 3 million views leading me to come to the conclusion that there is something fascinating about how others fill and use their bags and obviously I am not the only one watching this strange YouTube Tag. 

My handbag obsession was what first introduced me to What's in my bag videos as I was scouring YouTube for various handbag reviews and came across a what's in my bag/review, that was only the beginning, soon I was routinely searching YouTube for updated what's in my bag. After watching copious videos, my wish list for different handbags was so long that I could not keep track. So I have decided to document my various fashion wants and wishes in this blog, yes I am jumping on the blogging bandwagon and have decided to name it the most obvious thing I could possibly come up with (I was the type of child that named my first ever pet goldfish fish, creative I know).

Now I have finished babbling about myself, I want to know about you what are you fashion wants and wishes? Please comment leaving a link to your favorite what’s in my bags on YouTube or if you have done one of your own I would love to see it as I am always on the lookout for new what’s in my bags I haven’t seen (I did say I’m addicted) My next few posts will be about my purchasing goals over the summer and my major wishes.

If only I was as witty as the writers of gossip girl I would have written a clever exit to my post, oh well maybe next time


*I am also addicted to Epic Rap Battles Of History on YouTube but that is a entirely different post!